Customer Survey

RealTech Controls is committed to excellence in customer service and satisfaction.

We constantly strive to improve in any way we can, and guarantee second-to-none customer service.

Your thoughts and feedback are greatly appreciated – please take the time to fill in the survey below and let us know how we are doing:

First name: *

Last name: *

Company: *

RealTech Controls Company Questions:

RealTech Controls provides value to my work / business. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree

I would contact RealTech Controls for applications or projects I have. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree

I value the knowledge, expertise and advice from sales people at RealTech Controls. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree

Sales people at RealTech Controls are genuinely interested in my work and well-being. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree


The products offered by RealTech Controls are suitable for the applications I have. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree

I am interested in new product offerings from RealTech Controls. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree

The products and systems offered are value for money. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree

The products and systems offered are of high quality and are reliable. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree

Where permitted for 3rd party proposals, I would offer products from RealTech Controls as alternatives. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree

The RealTech Controls website is information-friendly and easy to navigate. *

1 star is strongly disagree, 10 stars is strongly agree

We value your comments and suggestions:

Created with Perfect Survey